Sunday, May 8, 2011

Give and Take and All The Rest

Beautiful Girls…Or Amazing Asian Pretty Boys?

From Mop:
Chinese cross-dresser Kong Ming
Japanese cross dresser Luxfero
Japan sexy crossdresser Luxfero
Japanese Luxfero
Li Yugang
Feminine boy Yi You Shi Yi
Pretty by Yin You Shi Yi
Li Jingcheng tattoo
Cross dresser Li Jingcheng
Li Jingcheng cross dresser
Cross dressing pretty boy Li Jingcheng
Duo Luo Mei Mei
Yao Yao Er
Cute Chinese cross-dresser Yao Yao Er
Chinese cross dresser Yao Yao Er
Pretty boy cross dressing Yao Yao Er
Ri Gao Liang Ping
Ri Gao Liang Ping
Cross dresser Chinese Xiao Kui
Hizaki roses
Hizaki fancy dress
Cross dressing Jiu Yue Zi Yuan China
China cross dressing Duor (Duo Er)
Sexy cross dressing pretty boy Duo Er
Sexy legs black dress Aiko from Taiwan
Taiwanese Aiko pretty boy cross dresser in black underwear
Taiwanese cross dresser Aiko lyin gon blue sofa
Cross dresser Liang Ping
Japanese schoolgirl or cross dresser Mo Li (Molly?)
Japanese cross dresser Mo Li shopping
Li Jingcheng traditional dress series
Li Jingcheng traditional costume series
Li Jingcheng cross dresser
Li Jingcheng cross dressing
Li Jingcheng red
Li Jingcheng scroll
Li Jingcheng scroll
All of the beautiful girls in the above photographs are actually men.
Comments from Mop:
I admit I am hard~~
I have to say I am a little envious of them. Tell me, how are they so pretty? Sigh, yet still men!
I can’t go on anymore…if I keep looking at them I will no longer have any interest towards women…
All pretty girls, how many women would feel ashamed after looking at them. Haha.
Actually, women should look at Brother Chun. With such a powerful Brother Chun, how can they be ashamed~
I keep hovering between hard and not hard?
Dammit, I hate it when people say I look like a girl.
LZ, this post tells us that every time we SY to a photograph, we must first Baidu that photo first, just in case…
Kao, with already this many, it wouldn’t hurt to add one more…
Men are becoming more and more like women, and women more and more like men…this society is so…
Remember, everyone, when you are out at night [at nightclub, bar, etc.] to not be deceived by exterior appearances! Especially those “girls” who don’t like to open their mouths! [It would be a] tragedy! A painful lesson!
What do you think? Would you be fooled? Would you admit it?
More pretty girls, pretty boys, and maybe some pretty boys who look like pretty girls. chinaSMACK personals.


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  1. “I admit I am hard~~”
  2. SECOND!
    Fauna, I am so excited I forgot what the post was about.
    Deng yi xia,
    Oh yeah, looks like girl boys.
    Well, I always do a hand-test before.
    Susa Playa Yan Shit Korea, waiting for your post; you always make my day.
  3. It is oke to be turned on right?
    There are some pictures where I really can’t tell if it’s a boy or a girl. I am so confused!
  4. asian males and females look alike so its easy to make the transition. lol
  5. What’s the chinese for package check?
  6. So, are they all males?
  7. watch out…. IT’S A TRAP!
  8. does it really matter?? its not like ur gonna do them, just a picture.
  9. This is actually part of a Chinese plot to take over the world. As you might know, due to the “one child policy” we have a surplus of men. By turning these “bare sticks” into pretty boys, China will be able to turn you white folk gay. Or should I say, even gayer. I think this post alone will create a few thousand homosexuals (maybe you, reading this right now!). Then Westerners stop breeding, while we continue to pump out peasants faster than a white Bugatti Veyron.
    • lol…don’t worry about “whites” not reproducing. With all the pollution you have been sniffing, swallowing and drinking since the parents of your parents were born, you might not be able to reproduce at all…Or wait a minute, isn’t it that Chinese guys are starting to develop female hormones? Must be the chickens!
      Rot in my hell, little racist piggie.
    • Yeah, uneducated peasants who can’t think for themselves. For the most part, Chinese people (Mainland Chinese People) are brainless and aren’t creative enough to develop without copying the west. Chinese people will never amount to the western world. China taking over the world, that’s a total joke. I have to say, ABC’s are some of the smartest people I’ve ever encountered, but they would never come back and represent China. They will help the west become a much more innovative place for the future.
      Keep pumping out those peasants because they aren’t going to get you anywhere. Actually, they are useful for something, making buildings that have a 12 year life span.
      • you guys are so stupid to not see sarcasm… c’mon.. REALLY? are you really that dumb, lighten up a bit. and china taking over the world IS possible in the future, if they had the desire to, china can pull out all it’s money to make the american economy collapse. a fifth of the world’s population is chinese, keep that in mind and statistically asian people score highest on iq-tests. and because you’re all: “ooh west is best!” you forget the fact that poor peasants make sure they study extra hard to climb up, the poorer they are, the more motivated and ambitious.. you racist tards with no sense of humor
      • all of the great inventions actually originated from the empire of China, like the printing press. Read history.
  10. If you find some attractive it doesn’t matter because they look like girls. Some pull it off others really don’t.
    I never understood who would be their lover. Straight men wouldn’t like the hidden surprise and gay men wouldn’t find you attractive. I suppose you have to find someone who doesn’t mind being confused.
    Any insight from the gay men on this site?
  11. omg it’s Hizaki.
    Make-ups do wonders.
  12. That Li Jingcheng fellow is pretty good, but then he does have professional makeup.
  13. “I admit I am hard~~” and “continue to pump out peasants faster than a white Bugatti Veyron”
    LMAO Big Time
  14. Does not know what to think
  15. I like the one in the sailor outfit and high stockings.
    Hands off her. He’s mine!
  16. What…the…fuck
    When they look in the mirrors, I wonder if they are turned on by that they see or repulsed by the knowledge of what’s underneath. I sure am confused.
  17. 2,3,4,6,7,11,12,13,17,19,22,24,25,26,27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 confirmed for making me incredibly aroused. God, why is fapping to traps such a guilty pleasure?
  18. Those men are prettier than any white girls I’ve ever seen!
  19. I’d tap that. All of that.
  20. Are those girlie boys Shanghainese? There are certainly many girlie boys in Shanghai!
    They look so much more elegant and feminine than Shanghainese women… Shanghainese women should ask for advice on this.
    a ladyboy with tons of guns… that sounds like some kind of gay theft auto or something like that…
  22. Half these “women” look like men and most of the rest look like girls who went through puberty with a bad case of PCOS. China has a long way to go before it can beat Thailand and become the ladyboy capital of the world.
  23. ALL asian dudes are pretty much bitches .
  24. In ancient times both China and Japan had a tradition of guys playing girls in theatrical productions. I suppose the historical precident has already been set.
  25. Is this a compilation of Asian “lady boys” or are these photos only of Chinese men?
  26. One wonders if this might lead to a new sociological paradigm where men masquerade as women when a species population transcends the environment’s ability to support it; and why Asian men O.O Hahah
  27. I am back.. with my loneliness
  28. It’s so hard to believe, damn he is look like gorgeous girl
  29. Wow, the first pic looks like the actress, Fan Bing Bing!
  30. Reasons for why is so easy for chenese men to look like girls:
    1- No beard. Everybody who have met a chinese guy know that he will not be able to grow a beard until he is at least 20 or more.
    2- They are all very thin. As much or more than girls sometimes.
    3- Emo-Hair. For some reason, chinese boys (and girls) love emo-hair, for a chinese boy to be considered cool, he must have at least one eye covered by his hair.
    4- And of course the small penis. Which is well know thing, so it~s easier to hide it.
    P.S.: That´s why more and more chinese girls prefer Laiwais (Foreigners)!!!
    • All I have to say is you have a stupid ass handle.
    • China’s greatest export seems to be in providing superiority complexes to certain foreign men who are desperate for one thing or another to make them feel “better” about themselves and over other people.
      Some mainland Chinese girls find you attractive and prefer you over the average mainland Chinese guy. Good for you. Have a cookie.
  31. Seems to me that someone went to their local corner hairdresser and took some photos of the male staff.
    I wonder which one is Rolfcoptor….
  32. If I squint real hard, I can kind of see that those are dudes. But hey, those are some really good-looking dudes.
  33. Is this common in China? In the US this type of behavior is discouraged.
  34. Gays! I’m OK with gay people but they’ve gotta showcase they are gays.Otherwise gender could be such a confusion to people…
  35. Aren’t these “ladies” Japanese?
    And also, I sense much jealousy in this thread.
  36. Why is this even on Chinasmack? To talk about how good Chinese men can look like women? Thats nothing to be proud of. I will give China that gold medal any day, week, month, year, decade, century. Ohhh, did i forget score?
  37. That guy who likes showing his shoulder, I just wanna point out, that his shoulder is really manly.
  38. Btw, apparently most of them are not Chinese. Mainly are Japanese, judging from the watermark on the picture, and their dressing style.
  39. LOOK AT THIER HANDS… hahahaha, I would notice a dirty man hand like that in the first 2 mins.
  40. Well, speaking as a gay Chinese guy living abroad, I find these pics are amusing. Unfortunately, for a majority of gay guys, these pretty “girls” are not the object of desire. They will attract more attention from “straight” guys than gay men.
    We like our guys who look manly with muscular gym-toned body.
    These girls should be a hit in a typical drag show in the West for sure.
    • Well, considering the gay population accounts for about 2-5% (so I am lead to believe) of the entire population, it would make sense to target the other ~97% of the male population for a sneaky bit of anal in the broom cupboard on the their lunch breaks.
      Since I also have your attention, do gay men like one legged guys with big pink puffy nipples or little brown ones?
      I have one of each.
  41. Fauna, I am not sure how you feel about the commentators on this site. You must be glad that there’s so much activity on here but on the other hand, they’re mostly uneducated bottom-of-the-barrel Western trash/人渣! You might as well disable the comment section.
  42. They did a good job hiding their adam’s apples, must did surgery in Korea or something.
  43. fashion is a sign of uglyness so intolerable it must be changed every 6 months
  44. I had my doubts but I think all of them are actually guys. Here are more info about these cross dressers.
    孔铭 – The “girl” in the first pic. The link below shows the guy dressed as a guy.
    Luxfero – The “girl” in the second pic. I found her weblog. You can find more of her pics are at the bottom.
    李玉刚 – the 3rd “girl”, and professional actor in traditional Chinese opera. The wiki link shows him dressed as a guy.
    吟游诗忆 – The “girl” in glasses. I found her baidu myspace page. According to some of his posts he had a pic of himself a guy in the profile but it’s not there now.
    李竟成 – The 5th “girl”. I found his pic album. Total emo type.
    堕落魅魅 – The 6th “girl”. His baidu myself page.
  45. i can hardly believe that all of these people are dudes. Some it is kind of obvious to tell, others unless I had read the thread I would’ve had no idea. This doesn’t make me gay right?!?!?!? right? lol
  46. I’m a girl and I gotta admit I’m jealous that most of them look prettier than I am.
  47. Kai,
    This site is for the top political stories inside China. This isn’t even a story. There’s no reason to post it, and nothing to comment on. Ridiculous. You do seem happy that you finally have something to be proud of – - “asian men make better cross-dressers than whites, whoooooooooooo. we win, we win!!!” admit it, its a stupid article to even make the cut for China Smack.
  48. LB/TS girls can be hot!
    I date one be for :)
  49. I must say the person who post ugly male teeth with lipstick is no a true man, he fails. I am male and i am straight, but no much to say.
  50. fucking scary, pray i never find one of these “girls”….hoooooffff
  51. let’s have some fun & to kill time, shall we? so who’s up for a round of ‘chick or dick’?
    my guesses:
    1: d
    2: c
    3: d (i know it’s the same girl but she looks manlier in this angle)
    4: c
    5: d
    6 & 7: d
    8, 9 & 10: c
    11: d
    12: c (not that s/he looks very feminine but i’ve seen a couple of chicks in asia running around looking like that)
    13: d (and very unfortunate facial expression)
    14: c
    15: d
    16, 17, 18: c
    for the rest, except for the small pic & the one below, i’d say all d. though there are some with blurred out faces whose bodies look very feminine.
    i was the best at the chinese, korean or japanese game in my social cirlce. guess i’d fare a bit worse in this one.
  52. its all over , i slept with a few of them …
    i cant bel it …
    i lost my hard on
  53. Wait . . . . the one in the middle with the glasses is Fauna!
  54. Honestly this is disgusting.
    There is nothing better than a real girl!
  55. 可口可乐 says:
    Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 2:11 pm
    I’m pretty sure that I’ve fucked a few of these on my last trip to Thailand. Oh well, it was cheap.
    how do you NOT KNOW you’re fucking a man?!?!?!? do your hands not wander (out of curiosity or passion)???? do you wonder why they prefer the asshole rather than the front??? do you second-guess their adam’s apple?!?!!?!?
    stupid, horny men!!!
  56. Just wondering – would you guys rather be seen with one of these lady boys, or with a real, ugly chick at a straight bar?
    • rephrase:
      would you guys rather be seen with one of these lady boys, or with Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, or one of the Olsen Twins at a straight bar?
  57. Lol, I thought the first one was fan bing bing!
  58. I see them every time I get excited. I want to have wild sex with most of them. I love them all. I hope they like sadomasochism. kisses. I’m going to play my parts
  59. Admiral Ackbar, We’ve already lost them.
  60. I am Lisa, an asian CD. Love to meet white CD lover.
  61. I bet those girls’ idol is that guy from the Crying Game movie!
  62. Marry me please?
  63. by the way, the one hearing blond wig and dressed in red gothic lolita is actually the main guitar of the japanese vitual-ke band versailles, i think his name is kizaki.
    it’s pretty weird to see someone dressed in gothic lolita with a guitar jamming metal music in front of a band =__=
  64. The truth about beauty is how woman sees herself. There is no beauty for a woman who does not even bother to make herself beautiful…
  65. very hot . they are like real girls
  66. sorry, but the manly hands give it away!!!
  67. I stopped defining my sexual orientation by gender long ago. I just like people that look like girls, and these boys look much prettier than many girls I know, I would all do them so hard.
    I’m also a transsexual woman, so ha!
  68. well i know a REAL girl that really looks like the “girl” with a hat and a black dress carrying a gucci bag
    well almost all countries have ladyboys one way or the other.
    well if you hire a professional to do your makeup i think even the terminator can look like a girl. There are proofs of that circulating the web.
  69. Some of them are DEFINITELY girls!
  70. i was i could dress like that and be that pretty
  71. the best looking ladyboy is the brother in black. he won on this guessing game.
  72. ❤❤❤ HIZAKI!!! ❤❤❤
    He plays guitar in the japanese band Versailles. I like Versailles a lot~
    And uhm…the others I don’t know. Anyone can tell me who they are?
    But they are all so fucking pretty!
    World’s women should be ashamed that there are so many men who look better in dresses and make up than them…
    I admire people who can look like both gender. I am somehow like them. Just it’s the opposite. A lot of people will mistake me for a man as long as I don’t talk but I’m a woman haha. But I also dress myself as a normal woman too.
    • haha, I was about to post about HIZAKI then I read your post xD Versailles is Awesome (:
      When I looked at all these pictures, i thought all of them were girls except one that looked like a guy wearing a female wig and HIZAKI, since I already knew he was a guy (: Damn, they all look Amazing and I also appreciate these crossdressers. They’re keeping the Makeup and Fashion Industries Going!! Thats what Im Getting into!! (:
  73. Fauna must be one of these boys, because she is so outrageously beautiful!
  74. YAOI YAOI YAOI YAOI!!!!!!!!
  75. wao, the girl.. guy.. arg the person dressing gothic with fishnet gloves is pretty hot..
  76. i have to say ,in this world , people like to act like the opposite sex do.once they succeed, they r famous like brother chun or people above
  77. im soo jealous~~ their skin looks sooo soft, i wanna touch dem >x<
  78. Damnnnnnnn??! Makes me wanna throw my hands towards the sky ask WHY?????!!!!
    So unfair=(
  79. I don’t believe all of them are men maybe some not all cuz some don’t have Adams apple and some don’t have a pouch between their legs so no dick there?… If there’s any proof or source of how these people were found then maybe il believe they are all men
  80. sexgenre is relative
  81. The boy who wear hime dress is Hizaki, guitarist from japanese band Versailles, and the boy who wear red lolita dress is a guitarist from japanese band Ayabie.
    Guys want to show that they are frail. Girls think they are cute and charming, just kawaii!
  82. Why don’t they just get sex changes and save us the trouble of guessing?
  83. i think some are girls….idk i feel like i can tell the difference between the two, but still they’re all very pretty:)
  84. WOW!!!!!!!!!! I am interested. Where can I meet them?
  85. is that even pssible…?
  86. Furrreaaalszzzz!!!!!??????? Lolololololol i admit it i thought they were girls i was scrollin down i was like where the pretty boys at, next thing you know it it says they are all boys. No way can a boy have those sexy eyes. Or can we boys have sexy eyes? Idk im straight. Just a little bisexual. Lol.
  87. WHo care if they are men? Well they are actually my type. Beautiful+men+dress as a girl=perfect
  88. Sigh, every time I try to stop myself scrolling down this far, every time I fail and get depressed…
  89. I was thinking maybe the one with the dreadlocks and red lipstick.
  90. I was looking more at that photo with the glasses with out glass in them.
    Oh god, I have seen it all too often and it makes me laugh. Why the hell wouldn’t people at least get some lenses put in the frames? I saw one lady once in starbucks in Sanlitun with really long eyelashes that actually came out the front of her glassless frames.
    Why wear shitty plastic frames when you dont have vision problems… only visual issues.
  91. As a girl, it amuses me that even our men are prettier than white women – the REAL women are in a different ballgame than others. I have no worries that my Chinese boyfriend will look at western women.
    Probably the only asian “women” that you will get are trannys – so I understand why you are so excited about this.
  92. Actually the real amusing part is how ugly white people are. Even the women look like men. I would take an asian man over you anyday, so you can stop trying so hard…
    You reek of desperation. It’s truly pathetic. What I like about asian men so much is humility – something westerners have never been able to do.
  93. “I have no worries that my Chinese boyfriend will look at western women.”
    That’s good, because otherwise I’m *sure* Western women would be all over your Chinese boyfriend. You see this situation all the time, with those ugly, fat Western ladies using the innocent and eager Chinese men. It’s shameful, really.
  94. Ask a hong kong female if they think that ABC girls have good fashion sense. Streaked dyed hair and those cali clothes? get real.. True Asian girls following Asian fashions (Japanese/Korean) are better than ABC girls anyday. ABC girls only know who to wear clothes that are black in color.
  95. Fauna might actually be a woman. It is a crazy world out there.
  96. india should be before all the flat asses
  97. Most of the Korean, Thai, and Chinese girls are just trying to copy the Japanese look. It’s pretty apparent when you go to get a hair cut in any of these countries; most of the fashion mags you see are either Japanese (CanCan, etc) or translations of the Japanese magazines. Unlike China and Japan where people can look vastly different depending on the region, most Korean people look the same. However, in recent years you see tons of koreans going for plastic surgery.
    Some Japanese women are very good looking but most of them are not, even in Tokyo. They just know how to dress and put on their makeups better.
    The people in singapore don’t look much different than people from people in Hong Kong. The good looking people there are usually halves.
  98. Haha You mean Mr. Pregnant? HAHA that guys hilarious I watch him on youtube all the time. lol
  99. wow this is crazy howed they get so sexy :D i wana move to japan some day lol